Daily US Times: SELF-QUARANTINE, According to Wikipedia self-quarantine is a restriction on the movement of people and goods which is intended to prevent the spread of disease or pests.
The global coronavirus pandemic is here. Billions of people across the world are staying at home currently as the day to day activities became shattered. This is the new normal of the world right now.
Countries after countries are taking sweeping measures to contain the outbreak. Leaders are urging people to stay home at any cost. So countries are willing to use force to ensure it.
Self-quarantine: So in a time like this, what you should do at home?
It is not easy to abandon all worldly activities. But you have to stay home for the sake of both yourself and your family and friends.
But you can use your hometime more effectively. Here are some suggestions you can follow.
1. Self-quarantine: work out at home
As everything but the essential services are closed across the world, so we can easily guess your gyms are also closed. But you don’t have to worry about that.
You can do calf extensions on the steps, planks, and pushups like there are no tomorrow. This is a big opportunity for you to meet your 2020 fitness goal.
2. Read the unread books
You have been so busy with your livelihood. You intended to read so many books in many times.
Its high time to read them all as you have plenty of times for yourself. Just don’t break your reading glasses, unless you have a backup pair.

3. Find substitute TV programming
Most of the regular TV programs are suspended due to coronavirus pandemic until further notice. But you always have alternative options.
There are great shows are currently running in big streaming services. Pick some that your friends highly recommended. If you are interested in science fiction, watch I Am Not Okay With This (NetFlix), The Outsider (HBO) and Expanse (Amazon).
4. Commune with nature
Walk your premises in the sun at a safe distance from other humans. Don’t go far. You might face punishment. Just look at nature in a different way, think about it, observe it.
You can go to your rooftop to watch around. Probably in a long time, you did not have a time to look otherwise. Get some sun and that will help you naturally forming Vitamin D.
5. Are you doing self-quarantine, you can cook
Many people have love in cooking, but because of busy worldly activities, they couldn’t manage time to make it happen. It is your time.
Get assistance from youtube, magazines and create a meal to be proud of. It’s a good idea to stock up on rice, canned vegetables, pasta, and spices so that more recipes are within reach.

6. Self-quarantine: looking after your mental and physical health
Staying at home for two weeks, it seemed to be a fun holiday at first. But those who have experience of staying home for sickness, they know how bitter is this.
It is not sometimes a good experience of being forced to stay inside and away from others for more than a day or two can quickly become boring and even anxiety-inducing.
Self-quarantine: How to cope with isolation & staying at home
Keeping physically and mentally well will help self-quarantine feel more pleasant. And if you do happen to get sick, it may help if you’ve been as well as possible beforehand.
7. Get some physical activity in self-quarantine
As you have been asked to stay in your home boundaries, you might not able to do some exercise you usually do.
But to feel good both physically and mentally, you have to keep your body moving. There are lots of ways to keep your body moving during this self-quarantine time:
No Running Cardio is a great way to get your heart pumping while staying on one spot. Try some healthier and happier workout routines.

You could do yoga every day for something a little more chill. There are plenty of free classes on youtube. You can choose something in your ability.
If you don’t have hand weights tools in your house, no need for tension. There are plenty of common household items you can use as hand weights. Grab some cans of food for bicep curls, or a bag of flour to add weight to your squats.
8. Drink lots of water
Dehydration doesn’t make anyone feel good anyway. Make sure you’re getting 6-8 glasses of water each day. This will be a great habit to take with you once your self-quarantine period has ended.
9. Get your nutrients
You are not living currently what you used to live. So you need to change your eating habits too.
In self-quarantine, it’s important to keep eating a well-balanced diet, because getting all your normal daily nutrients will keep you feeling well.

If you stocked up longer-lasting foods like rice or pasta, make sure you have vegetables and fruits as well. Canned and frozen vegetables are a great option if you’re not able to access fresh food like you normally would.
10. Get creative or learn something new
Keeping your mind engaged is both a great way to spend time and good for your mental health.
You could start a creative project or get back into old hobbies like woodworking, knitting, writing, painting, drawing. Or you could use your time to learn something new, that could be a skill, a new language, etc.
Podcasts are a great, free way to engage in learning about new topics – our podcast My Amazing Body has 13 episodes that explore different parts of the human body and how they work.
11. Connect with others
Connection with the community can be a big mental boost for your mental health. Just because you are in self-quarantine, that doesn’t mean you have to be completely cut off from everyone.
You have internet, mobile phones, which allow you to stay connected with everyone. Talk you your relatives and friends.

If you know others who are also in self-quarantine, start an over-the-phone movie or book club.
You can try some old school letters to your friends and loved ones you haven’t seen in a while.
Video calls rather than texting or talking means you can talk to more than one person at a time and see everyone’s faces.
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