Nuseir Yassin, Daily US Times: This quarantine date is just crazy. I’m personally inspired by how much effort Jerm Cohen put to remain socially distanced. Incredible! Thanks, Jeremy for helping me shoot this!
The guy you see next to me is the most responsible guy, you will ever meet. This is his story in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.
Jeremy Cohen: Hi, my name is Jeremy and I found romances here in quarantine date.
Jeremy lives in New York City. Where right now millions of people are quarantined. But one day from his balcony he saw a girl dancing on a rooftop alone. He was immediately attracted.
Jeremy Cohen: But because of social distancing I can’t meet her in person. I’m stuck inside my apartment.
So he got his drone, put his number on it, and flew the drone to the girl’s rooftop. She saw his number on the drone and to his surprise. After many texts, they liked each other and wanted to go on a real date. But again because of social distancing, it is not responsible to get close to other humans.
Jeremy Cohen: So I asked her to go on a different kind of quarantine date.
This date half of it was on his balcony and the other half was on her rooftop. Secretly arranged by her roommate and just like that from 200 meters away.
These two people had a beautiful first quarantine date and a beautiful Face Time. And then it was time to meet in person but again because of coronavirus they should social distance. So Jeremy did something crazy.
Jeremy Cohen: I think it’s time to take this relationship to the next level.
And he put himself in a bubble. A real life-sized human bubble and walked to his dates’ apartments with flowers.
Tori Cignarella: WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!
Jeremy Cohen: I wanted to give you these but then I realized I can’t.
All of a sudden the police showed up and even approved of their social distancing.
Jeremy Cohen: It was really hard to have a conversation. Because I was inside of a bubble. But we laughed the whole time.
Tori Cignarella: It was honestly really cute and really funny.
From drone communication to remote dinners to bubble dates, this couple is an amazing example of responsible social distancing.
Jeremy Cohen: This is the first time outside in like 2 days.
And when we finally beat coronavirus and everything goes back to normal, they will be the first in line to go on a date. In these difficult times many people are feeling sad, depressed and to be frank lonely, that’s why it’s important to share these stories that put a smile on everyone’s face.
Jeremy Cohen: You know I was in my apartment for one week and I started to get lonely and sad. And then I realized it’s up to me if I want to be happy and this is how I ended up finding romance.
If this guy can find romance go on a date and be socially responsible, then why can’t we? See you next week.
Jeremy Cohen and Tori Cignarella on Instagram: Check out at Instagram: @Jermcohen and Tori Cignarella: @Toricigs
Public Reaction about The Amazing Quarantine Date
Walid Alhaj: This story is getting too much hype for the wrong reason. If one of them is infected, the virus could have been transferred through the drone. Him waking inside a plastic ball is basically collecting any tiny particles from the ground (including those which could carry the coronavirus) and pushing it again in the air and to his quarantine date. Even though this sounds like a cute story, it’s irresponsible of him. Especially the plastic ball.
Laura Gill Abbott: I love you and I love your stories. But this one has me crying. This young woman is one of my kid’s friends since elementary school. I know this story to be true and I am offering wedding planning services free of charge for them!
Adela Campos: This is wholesome and inspiring and puts a smile on my face. But sadly the guy did the things wrong with the ball. The ball is catching the germs from the ground, and then the girl is briefly touching the said ball with her arms. So she could get sick.
April Smith: I’m just wondering about Nas shirt @ 35%, so what, this was filmed years ago? Last videos I have seen, Nas shirt was at 37%. I know he wears this shirt based on how much life he has lived. Anyone else notices that?
Tânia Dias: Maybe this comment will be “invisible” to you Nas, but I wanted to thank you, I admire you the way words can’t explain, people like you must share this kind of message, I felt lonely way before this happened. Thanks to Dhar Mann vídeo I could finally meet your story and believe me, I want to be like you one day! I want to be the kind of person who lives doing the thing I love the most: singing! Thank you for being my inspiration.
Samridhi Verma: I am so glad I started following you, Nas. You have shown us so many lesser explored places, many more talents around the world, and the best of all. Floating in all positively amidst this critical situation! I appreciate your efforts for a better tomorrow.
Farhana Zinat Barsha: I can’t believe people can’t accept the social distancing even for a month!! There are millions of people who are disabled and for them every day, month, year is quarantine time. Think about them and keep patience. You’re lucky enough to be bored. Those million people who are dead they can’t say they are bored. So thank your God for still being alive. Btw it’s nice that this guy has a relationship while he was at home. But my text is for others who are so annoyed for social distancing.
Heather Starr Collins: I love the story it was so romantic I love a happy story I enjoyed this video it’s videos like this that make me happy. Even when we’re going through this pandemic I too have been sad so I know what that’s like thank you for sharing such a beautiful video.
Martina Del Terra: As cute as this is. They should not have gone out, bubble, or not a bubble. He was safe, but she put at risk herself and others. I am not sure about the rules of quarantine in NYC, but here in Italy, you CANNOT go outside unless it’s an emergency, or for groceries, or work. And that’s the responsible thing to do.
锺伟康: How is it responsible to have a camera crew record this, help him set up the bubble (for him) not for her to go out. I mean does he think going out with her and him being safe in the bubble alone, while she walks with no protection out on a date and while small but still a risk for her to get infected is romantic?
Rafat Maraj: Designed and constructed for social media. It was obvious that they were both healthy and they knew it. So the social distance between them was unnecessary. The bubble was very stupid. Just yelling for social media attention.
Juliet Mulato: Thank you, Nas, for all your inspiring videos. Some may find faults on it and some appreciate it much. For this depressing situation now because of coronavirus, my business was closed for a month now. Seeing this video makes my tear fall but with the hope that everything’s going to be alright soon. If their love will conquer all, then our hope and faith will make us survive.. thank you lovebirds and thank you Nas Daily. From a single mom PS. My special child (autism), love you both he kept on smiling while watching your video.
Avi Naga: Yes this was so cute and Very adorable, I loved it and yes it brightened my face with a smile, but also I realize and felt deeply sorry for those who are in a relationship as they may miss their partners so much at this difficult time also thank you for sharing us this video.
Ellie Coyne: That is a great story. This social distancing is hard. I won’t be able to have my family over for Easter dinner. The church is closed. BUT I like what he said. I am responsible for my happiness. I’m grateful for Zoom and phones. We are still connected.
Greg Lapa: Holy crap the minute I see this on my FB feed I look up from my hospital bed (Ya, fighting COVID) and it’s on the National news. Keep up the amazing videos, you always have a way of making all of us look at things in a brighter light and put a smile on our faces
Lakshmi Kt: Thanks a ton Nas Daily for sharing such a positive thought while everyone is feeling sad or lonely. This video made my day. I was feeling so depressed and lonely by thinking I’m all alone and can do nothing by sitting at home. But you showed me the way how I can change the things and make myself happy even when I’m locked inside the house.
Darshan Gabriel Shanti: Great story of human nature and the power of connection. Nothing can get in the way of it. Some may argue about the bubble being a germ collector, (he could have worn a mask and gloves and so could she), or the police, not social distancing, or the drone possibly being contaminated, but I think this story is about how 2 people found each other against all odds and they went for it! I think that’s awesome.
Zainab Nasir: But how did you get to film them, Nas? It was quarantine then and it’s still strict quarantine now everywhere in the world, how come you remake their story with actual characters and if you asked them to remake their story and share it to still am worried about your cameraman and other team members.
Eero Eros: I saw on the news last night how New York is becoming the next virus hotspot and quite frankly, this video shows all the ways it will happen. 1. thinking gloves won’t pick up the virus 2. anything for publicity style attitude 3. police showing the example, so much wrong in this video, but I suppose only the next week will tell. However, the biggest point comes from YOU: attacking me, thinking about how I spoil a perfectly romantic and fun moment. And that my friends, is also part of the lynch mob mentality that is too far on the other end of this, that will create a series of problems of its own.
Heather Sweezy: OMG! This would be such a great story if it wasn’t for the hypocrisy of the NYPD!! They stop the patrol car to make sure the couple is social distancing but then THEY break the social distancing rules to have their picture taken? So that sweet man went through all that trouble to have a responsible quarantine date and keep the young lady safe, but then she has to be less than one foot away from the cops who, by the way, have been all over the city collecting virus particles all day! Just this once, when they could see from the car that the guy was in a bubble and not breaking the rules, keep THEIR distance, and follow the rules for a change?
Florence Diana Agatha Licot: Put a smile on my face. I hope my dear boyfriend could get an idea from this. We missed each other and we cant see each other because we are not just 200 meters apart. He lives in the next town. Can’t cross the border. Bummer huh. But I know this is for our safety so I accept the situation we are in. This video made my day though.
The Amazing Quarantine Date
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