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Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeWorldAsiaThe COVID-19 Miracle for Eli Beer

The COVID-19 Miracle for Eli Beer

11 Min Read

Nuseir Yassin, Daily US Times: I’m so happy to share with you this story. It’s a very heartwarming story, but above all, it’s a very hopeful story. It’s about my friend Eli Beer from the United Hatzalah of Israel. He, out of all people, got COVID-19 and the way everyone rallied around him is just so amazing.

This incredible video has a good ending. But it doesn’t have a good beginning. It’s about my friend Eli Beer.

Eli Beer: Hi, I am Eli Beer and I almost died from COVID-19.

This is a real story. Last month Eli Beer was in Miami where he got infected with COVID-19. But his situation was not mild. It was severe. So severe, he went to the ICU, he couldn’t speak or even breathe.

Eli Beer: My situation is difficult. My breathing is getting worse.

The doctors put him on an induced coma for three weeks in the last hope to save his life. But here’s the thing, people like Eli Beer you don’t think they can get coronavirus. Because they have done so much for the world.

In his prime time, Eli Beer was a health worker. He started an ambulance service that is one of the fastest in the world. Now, he has hundreds of ambulances and Ambucycles run by volunteers, that go around the country to save lives entirely for free 24/7.

Eli Beer: Think of it like Uber, but this is for free and we say lives.

That was Eli Beer and now, this is Eli Beer!

Eli Beer: Right now, I can’t do my job. This terrible disease goes for lungs, attacks the lungs! I had to fight for it. I was scared about not seeing my children again.

5,000 miles away from his family battling coronavirus in a coma fighting for his life. But this is where the story gets better. After 30 crazy weeks, Eli Beer woke up and tested negative for COVID-19. He won!

A wealthy donor heard about his situation and donated their private jet just to fly Eli Beer home to see his family. And on the way to the airport, hundreds of cars stopped by to say goodbye to Eli Beer, while he’s in the ambulance!

And after a long flight and Eli Beer landed home only to be greeted by hundreds and hundreds of ambulances from the organization that he found. He was greeted like a Hero by health workers. And when he saw his family he couldn’t hold back tears.

Eli Beer: This shows that everyone is equal. There was no difference between anyone! I’m a religious Jew. There is no difference between me and a Muslim or a Hindu or Christian.

COVID-19 hits everyone and this shows that we have to unite everyone together in the world to fight diseases, fight disaster, and be together.

COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate health workers get it. Ambulance drivers get it. And good-hearted people get it. But Eli Beer’s recovery is a sign of hope that we can beat this monster together.

Who is Eli Beer

According to Wikipedia, Eli Beer is the founder of United Hatzalah of Israel and President of U.S.-based organization Friends of United Hatzalah. United Hatzalah of Israel is an independent, non-profit, fully volunteer emergency medical services organization that provides fast and free emergency medical first response throughout Israel.

Beer began to work with Hatzalah Jerusalem in 1992. With him as a fundraiser and operational coordinator, the organization grew and changed its name to Hatzalah Israel reflecting its nationwide scope. Hatzalah Israel acted as an umbrella organization, incorporating many Hatzalah chapters that had been established throughout the country.

In 2006 Beer changed the name of the organization to United Hatzalah to represent the partnership of Jewish, Muslim, Druze, and Christian volunteers from all religious spectrums working together to save lives.

In 25 years, the organization has grown to more than 5,000 volunteer medical responders treating over 300,000 people per year. All services are provided free of charge to all citizens regardless of race or religion.

Public Reaction about The COVID-19 Miracle for Eli Beer

William O Connor: I was unfortunate when I heard he got COVID-19. But now I am so happy to hear he beat it and is doing well. I live alone, and my 4 children live over 80 miles away it got me when he said he thought he might never see his children again. I haven’t seen my children since before the virus came, and I don’t know when I might ever see them again. So I understand what he must have felt like. I am a volunteer myself and what Eli Beer did was such an amazing thing creating his business to help others he is a great man, and I am happy he will be ok and can continue his great work. I wish him well.

Maki Yoshida Taguchi: Nas, thank you for sharing this story. I didn’t know Eli Beer’s story, including what’s he has done and how he is now. I think you are what social media should be.
I admire you so much.

DrJalpa Maghudiya: I couldn’t hold back my tears too! Nas, what a wonderful individual you are for always doing what’s right. I adore both you and your girlfriend so much because of the kind of beings you’ll are. Keep sharing such stories…when we watch it, we want to become better individuals, that is a big thing.

Matthew Gallon: Now I know the person behind the scooter ambulance. I always said the ambulance and nurses are at the most risk. I am happy he has recovered. Now as I see his ambulance service I will think of him. Good luck to Eli Beer and thank you for this story.

Edna Mitchell: Praise God that Eli Beer’s is well & that his message is being shared what an amazing, Ministry that he has to help everyone & anyone he’s an amazing man full of love & compassion for the human race. God bless you Eli Beer’s, family & all of your volunteers, who help & save lives daily. May you stay happy healthy safe I under the wings of Our Lord Psalm 91.

Casey Melendez: I wept when I saw this it’s, this story is so powerful, I have just beat the virus and my recovery was genuinely much easier than being in a coma for a month but it sucked bad still, high fever lack of taste and smell, dizziness 24/7 because of pneumonia but I survived and I feel grateful to be alive.

Choo Yirou: Such a selfless person with a big heart, God definitely save him from the worst so that he can continue to save more people and spread the positive energy to the whole world! Thank Eli Beer (and volunteers) and Nas Daily for sharing such love to the world. We pray for a better world and humanity and may this heal the earth to a better one.

Julius Alvin O Baco: I believe that you still have a mission to fulfill sir, I mean you genuinely helped a lot of people, you are a selfless man Mr. Beer I do believe that you will continue what you’ve started with more compassion, love and longer reach for those who are in need. praying for your full recovery and God bless you.

Yothi Krishnakishore: What we reap is what we sow, Good people always win, even though he failed with diseases he already won many hearts and lives, he is simply great and great applause to all the supporters of him, Eli Beer you are a great man and inspiring to many. God will always bless you, man. Thank you so much, Nas, for the video once again.

May West: I remember when you first told this story on your page and thought what a generous loving heart this man had, and thought more people in the world should be like him, I was saddened when I first saw him with Covid-19 and as I listened to the story unfold I kept hoping that he would get better by the end I cried with happiness for this wonderful man that he is better and he can continue his wonderful work.

Moamen Jamir: Thank u so much Nas for updating us through this video. I learn about his work through your video as well about his sickness. I was curious to know about his health progress. I am overwhelmed to see him back to his family but most importantly I am thankful to God that he won this battle. His journey isn’t over yet. The world still needs him. Tears of joy!

Shazia Rafiq: So heartbreaking but inspiring as well. Eli Beer was having prayers of thousands of people who he would have saved. That is why God rewarded him a new life with is come back from Covid-19. I believe we should also be more humble, helpful and in every sense be a real human. Thanks for sharing the story

Sanoj Deepak P: When I started to watch the video I felt that this is the guy who started the ambulance service in Israel. As the video progressed, I saw that it was him indeed.
He is an inspiration to us all. Glad for his recovery and I pray for his good health. You too are an inspiration. Keep going. My God bless you so that you continue bringing us inspiring stories and out of the box ideas.

Lee Ji Qian: I like Eli Beer’s story very much when I first watched it. And this even more. The way you tell the story with footages from different cameras of varying grades just proves one thing – a good story triumphs over fanciful equipment, anytime. Thank you for this, and may all be well with everyone fighting this pandemic.

Munnzza Khan: May it get smooth for humanity to fight against this demonic pandemic. Ameen. Respect for this man! And a case like this here in Pakistan is Faisal Edhi (Son of Abdul Sattar Edhi) one of the great philanthropists. Having multiple projects of welfare, relief, and charity for the PPL not only in Pakistan but across South Asia. May he recover soon. Ameen.

Seboel Sue: Every Thursday we have a prayer meeting and we always pray for the doctor, sister, brother, police, firemen, military, ambulance driver and the cleaner for his safety and also we pray for people to get healed and I am very glad when I hear that God answer our prayer that people get healed. Let us all help to pray and if you do not know, never heard of Jezus, aks Him to come in your life and take Him as your savior before it is too late, God bless.

Simon Sa Kkab: I followed his story. he is a good Samaritan. congratulations to him and his family for surviving his ordeal with the virus. I also sadly learned that the Israel lobby AIPAC used him to promote their agenda of meddling and corruption in US politics. I think in that way he was twice a victim!

Rebecca Chan De la Cruz: God gave him a purpose in his life and that is to save people’s lives, he is a kind soul to save thousands of people and he truly deserved healing, recovery, and love in return by his countrymen. God is taking care of him no matter how serious it is. He made it through. Praise the Lord, he survived this dreaded disease. Nothing is Impossible with God.

ArtJamie: Nas, I cried for this heart-touching video. Thank you for sharing it with the world. I hope people realize, equality between humans, and animals and nature. We are now a human zoo as we stayed at home, this is how animals feel in their cages at the zoo. COVID 19 doesn’t pick religions nor people to get the disease. even though the rich or poor might have that disease unconsciously. and nature.. as we balanced everything nature gets healed. it was as an earth day but much longer and it’s effective. earth day should be just one day. Thank you and God bless you NAS! Love from the Philippines.

Tanin Talukder: When I was seeing Eli Beer’s success story against COVID-19, I became emotional for some time. It’s a great hopeful story for us, for the fight against this epidemic “COVID 19”. Eli Beer was a good man, and always lead some great volunteer service and saved many lives. We also can do some great work like Eli Beer by maintaining social distance, Need serves our society and also the nation in this epidemic time, that makes us good people if we lose our lives in this Covid-19, we never die, people remind us through their hearts.

Watch the video here: The COVID-19 Miracle

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