Trump sets up a competing town hall event with Biden

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Daily US Times: NBC News announced that President Donald Trump will participate in a town hall with the network on Thursday night, setting up a competing television event with his challenger in the upcoming election Joe Biden in lieu of a presidential debate in which voters would have seen both presidential candidates engage with each other and discuss issues head-to-head.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden is set to appear in an ABC town hall, and both events are scheduled for 8 p.m. ET. Mr Trump and Mr Biden were originally scheduled to participate in a second debate, but the event was eventually canceled after the Republican President objected to the virtual format announced by the Commission on Presidential Debates in light of Trump’s positive coronavirus diagnosis.

The town hall is set to take place outdoors and also consistent with all government regulations.

Clifford Lane, National Institutes of Health Clinical Director, said in a statement to NBC News that they have concluded, via PCR test analysis, “with a high degree of confidence” that President Donald Trump is “not shedding infectious virus.”

The event will be moderated by Savannah Guthrie, who will sit 12 feet from Mr Trump. Attendees in the town hall will be required to wear face masks.

Trump’s decision last week not to participate the second debate led to Biden and ABC News swiftly announcing their plans to hold a town hall, and shortly thereafter, Trump’s campaign entered talks with NBC News about a similar event on the condition that Trump tested negative for coronavirus.

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